VR Headset Comparisons

Compare the specifications of the most popular VR headsets on the market today using the table below. Only consumer-available headsets are shown.

For more information about the different categories, take a look below the table.

Terms Explained


The type defines whether the headset needs to be connected to a PC (“Tethered“) to process the VR environments or “Standalone” headsets that don’t require any connection to other devices since it has their own integrated computer. The third option is “SmartPhone” which only requires a smartphone and some less powerful headsets.

Refresh Rate (Hz)

The greater the refresh rate (Hz), the smoother the motion reproduced by a screen. You can basically relate the amount of Hz to the number of frames per second (FPS). In practice, studies have shown that any VR setup that delivers frame rates less than 90 FPS is likely to cause disorientation, nausea, and other undesirable user impacts.

Field of View (FOV)

In virtual reality, the field of view is the amount of observable environment you can see at any given time. When wearing a virtual reality headset, you are viewing a portion of a spherical image, and the size of that portion is given in degrees. The larger the FOV angle, the more footage you can see, and the smaller the objects appear.

IPD Range

IPD stands for “interpupillary distance”, which is essentially the distance between the centers of your eyes. When it comes to VR and AR headsets, knowing your IPD is critical since headsets may be adjusted to match your IPD for the best image quality and comfort. The average human IPD range is 63mm.


Tracking is the way by which your headset keeps track of its position and movement. Outside-in VR tracking keeps an eye on you via external base stations or positioning trackers. Inside-out VR tracking takes advantage of the headset’s external-facing cameras.


The headset’s weight refers to how heavy it is on your head without any attachments or connections attached.

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