Can I Play Steam Games on Oculus Quest 2 Without A PC?




Play Steam Games on Oculus Quest 2 Without A PC


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There is no doubt that the Oculus Quest 2 is an amazing piece of hardware. It’s portable, has great graphics, and allows you to play some of the best VR games on the market. But you may wonder, “Can I Play Steam Games on Oculus Quest 2 Without A PC?”

There are a number of ways you can play steam games on Oculus Quest 2 without a PC. You can use the Virtual Desktop, Oculus AirLink software, a shadow, or the Plutosphere.

In this article, I will discuss the various ways you can play Steam games on the Oculus Quest 2 without a PC. I will also give the pros and cons of playing steam games on Oculus quest 2 without a PC.

Play Steam Games on Oculus Quest 2 Without A PC

Can I Play Steam Games on Oculus Quest 2 Without a PC?

The different ways you can play Steam games on Oculus Quest 2 without a PC include:

Virtual Desktop

Virtual Desktop is an application that lets you use your computer in VR. It’s available for purchase on the Oculus Store and Steam. Once you’ve installed it, you can connect your Quest to your PC and play Steam games.

You will need to sideload the Virtual Desktop application on your Oculus Quest. Once you have installed the application, you will be able to connect to your PC and play Steam games.

Follow the steps below to connect your Oculus Quest to your PC:

  • Open the Virtual Desktop application on your Oculus Quest.
  • Click on the settings icon in the top right corner.
  • Select “PC” from the list of options.
  • Enter the IP address of your PC in the “IP Address” field.
  • Click on the “Connect” button.

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Oculus AirLink

The Oculus AirLink is another amazing way to play Steam games on Oculus Quest without a PC. AirLink is a technology that allows you to connect your Quest wirelessly to your PC.

You will need the following items to use AirLink:

  • A compatible router
  • An Ethernet cable
  • The Oculus desktop app

Once you have all of the necessary items, follow the steps below to connect your Oculus Quest to your PC:

  • Connect your router to your PC using the Ethernet cable.
  • Open the Oculus desktop app on your PC.
  • Click on the “Settings” tab.
  • Click on the “Quest and Rift S” tab.
  • Scroll down and select the “Oculus AirLink” option.
  • Click on the “Enable Oculus AirLink” button.


Shadow is a cloud gaming service that allows you to play Steam games on your Oculus Quest. To use Shadow, you will need to purchase a subscription.

Once you have a subscription, follow the steps below to connect your Oculus Quest to Shadow:

  • Download the Shadow app on your Oculus Quest.
  • Launch the Shadow app on your Oculus Quest.
  • Enter your Shadow account credentials.
  • Select the game you want to play from the list of available games.


Plutosphere is another cloud gaming service that allows you to play Steam games on your Oculus Quest.

To use Plutosphere, you will need to purchase a subscription. Once you have a subscription, follow the steps below to connect your Oculus Quest to Plutosphere:

  • Download the Plutosphere app on your Oculus Quest.
  • Launch the Plutosphere app on your Oculus Quest.
  • Enter your Plutosphere account credentials.
  • Select the game you want to play from the list of available games.

Advantages of Playing Steam Games Oculus without a PC

You Can Play Any Game

When playing Steam games on Oculus, you can play any game in the Steam catalogue. This is because you are playing the game on your PC. You are not limited to the games available for the Oculus Quest.

The Graphics Are Good

Another advantage of playing Steam games on Oculus without a PC is good graphics. This is because you are playing the game on your PC. The Oculus Quest is not as powerful as a high-end computer, so the graphics will not be as good.

It is Convenient

Playing Steam games on Oculus without a PC is also convenient. You do not need to carry around a heavy and expensive gaming laptop. All you need is your Oculus Quest and your PC.

It is Safe

The final advantage of playing Steam games on Oculus without a PC is safe. You do not need to worry about losing your Quest or damaging it. If you play the game on your PC, you can always reinstall it.

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Disadvantages of Playing Steam Games Oculus Without a PC

You Need a Good Internet Connection

A good internet connection will help you to avoid lag. The game will be choppy and laggy if you have a slow internet connection. This means that you will not be able to enjoy the game.

You Need to Purchase a Subscription

If you want to play Steam games on Oculus without a PC, you will need to purchase a subscription. This is because you need to use a cloud gaming service.

The two services that we recommend are Shadow and Plutosphere. Both of these services have free trials, so you can try them before you decide to subscribe.

You Need a Compatible Router

If you want to play Steam games on Oculus without a PC, you will need to have a compatible router. This is because you need to use the Oculus AirLink feature.

AirLink is only available on certain routers. You can check to see if your router is compatible by checking the list on the Oculus website.

You Need to Sideload the Application

Another disadvantage of playing Steam games on Oculus without a PC is that you need to sideload the application on your Oculus Quest.

You will need to find the files online and transfer them to your Oculus Quest. This can be a time-consuming process.

Final Thoughts

You can play Steam games on Oculus Quest without a PC using the Virtual Desktop, Oculus AirLink, Shadow, or Plutosphere. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

I hope this article has helped you choose the most appropriate way to play steam games on Oculus Quest 2 without a PC.

Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta


Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta and has written extensively about Virtual Reality and VR Headsets for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested VR Headsets for the last decade.

About the author

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