What Programming Language To Learn For Virtual Reality?




What Programming Language To Learn For Virtual Reality


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When it comes to virtual reality, one of the most important aspects is the programming language. Different languages can create different types of VR experiences. You may be wondering, “What Programming Language To Learn for Virtual Reality?”

As a programmer, you should get acquainted with the Virtual Reality programming languages that are used to create apps in this field. These languages include Java, C#, JavaScript, Python, C/C++, Visual development tools, and Swift. In the gaming industry, you need to learn C# and C/C++.

In this blog post, I will discuss the different programming languages that are used for VR development and help you decide which one is right for you!

What Programming Language To Learn For Virtual Reality

What Programming Language Should I Learn?

Like any other application development, the language you select for virtual reality coding is determined by your goals. Gaming is still the most popular use for VR devices among all developed apps. 

Let’s look at the various VR programming languages that may be used on any virtual reality device.

If you want to learn any of these languages from home I recommend you to check out Udemy. They have a lot of great online courses at a reasonable price.


C# would be a great VR programming language for both experienced and inexperienced developers. It’s useful to know since Unity, the most popular game engine, uses it extensively for game development. 

It’ll run on both PC and Mac, and C# is used to make a lot of VR programs. Overall, knowing the commonly used programming language that is used with the most popular gaming engine is very important.

It also offers a large network of designers if you want more development assistance. Unity is also a popular alternative for building AR applications since it incorporates many of the C# components.

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Java was invented by Sun Microsystems, which Oracle now owns. This object-oriented language is ideal for virtual reality applications.

This VR coding language is particularly beneficial for developing algorithms like language processing, search, and neural network algorithms, all of which are critical components of any online VR application.

Although this is an outdated programming language, it is still useful in virtual reality development. It’s also one of the first languages covered in most computer engineering programs since it has all of the high-level characteristics required for dealing with various parts of VR application development.

JAVA is adaptable when it comes to reusing code and upgrading software.

It also contains a JAVA 3D API, which allows VR apps to produce 3D graphics and monitor the position and orientation of the user’s body, resulting in an amazing user experience.


If you want to develop anything more complicated, Unreal Engine C++ would be at the top of the finest virtual reality programming languages list.

As a result, it’s good for you to begin determining the scope of your project, because this will be key in determining the platform you’ll need to use.

C# may be used if the project is simple, while C++ is used for larger projects. The same is true if you’re making an augmented reality app.

C++ is the best language for building huge AR applications since it enables you to create and develop a major portion of the program using its syntax.


JavaScript is the internet’s programming language, in case you didn’t know. It is a widely used and simple to learn programming language. JavaScript has a lexical syntax that is comparable to that of the more sophisticated C programming language.

It is also regarded as one of the most extensive languages for virtual reality development.

Because most browsers understand this language, it works well with the WebVR platform, which is used to create web-based virtual reality applications. This is the programming language to use if you want to create web-based virtual reality apps.


While Python may not be the first language that comes to mind when thinking of virtual reality development, it has a number of advantages, particularly for inexperienced developers.

One of the key reasons for this is that it is simple and uncomplicated to comprehend.

It is possible to construct anything without having to write a lot of code. When you have a good foundation in Python, it will be simple to shift to something more sophisticated, such as C#, if you need even more drive.


Swift is Apple’s official programming language. While it may not be as well-known as some of the other devices on the list, it will be simple to get started designing AR applications if you have some prior experience. 

Apple not only has an official programming language, but they also have their SDK, dubbed ARKit. As a result, if you know Swift, designing AR applications for iOS devices will be a breeze.


Which Is the Best Programming Language I Should Take?

The “best” programming language to learn is a personal choice based on your interests, prior experience, and future professional goals. 

Before you make any selections, think about what inspires you, speak to friends and relatives who have worked in technology, and experiment with a few different possibilities. 

There are many possibilities, but becoming a web developer requires a basic understanding of the most used languages.

Can a Language Change the Structure of A VR App or Game?

Yes, you must be very cautious when using these languages since, depending on what you’re working on, they might modify the whole structure of the VR game or app.

Unity and Unreal are the two primary VR engines used to create the games. 

Almost every gaming development and advertising firm works with these two. Both Unity and Unreal are wonderful game engines, but they work in different ways.

What programming language is used in the Unity and Unreal Engines?

Because Unity is written in C#, you must have some sophisticated coding skills to work on it. It’s one of the more recent languages that need prior knowledge.

C# classes are suggested since the language is expected to be in high demand in the near future.

Unreal VR developers use C++. Unreal is a simpler method to get started with VR development if you’re a newbie. They also employ the so-called blueprint language, in which users drag ifs and drop them where instructions should be given.

Final Thoughts

There are a number of languages you can learn for virtual programming. The best will depend on your expectations, Interests, and experience.

I hope this article helps you choose the best language that suits the above to use in your VR experience.

Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta


Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta and has written extensively about Virtual Reality and VR Headsets for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested VR Headsets for the last decade.

About the author

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