Does Apple Have Virtual Reality? Exploring Their VR Tech




Does Apple Have Virtual Reality


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Does Apple have virtual reality? This question has been on the minds of many gamers, explorers, and tech enthusiasts for quite some time.

In this blog post, we’ll examine whether or not Apple has ventured into VR with its own headset or technology.

Does Apple Have Virtual Reality

Key Takeaway!

Apple offers a virtual reality headset compatible with iPhones and iPads running iOS 12 or later, allowing users to experience immersive 3D environments, play games, watch movies in 360 degrees, and create their own virtual worlds. Apple’s ecosystem includes various apps that support VR experiences, such as Google Earth VR, Minecraft Earth, Star Chart VR, and Skydio 2 Drone Simulator.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that a person can interact with in a seemingly real or physical way using special electronic equipment, such as a headset with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

VR’s appeal has grown in recent times as it enables users to journey into entirely new realms and encounters.

The concept of virtual reality dates back to the 1960s when Ivan Sutherland, an American computer scientist, developed the first head-mounted display system for use in immersive simulations.

Since then, VR technology has evolved significantly and now includes various types of hardware and software designed for different purposes.

A. Types of Virtual Reality Systems

  1. Tethered VR systems: These are high-end devices connected directly to powerful gaming computers or consoles via cables, providing high-quality graphics and performance. Examples include the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR.
  2. Standalone VR systems: These are wireless devices that do not require any external connections to function properly. They come equipped with built-in processors capable of running applications independently from other devices like smartphones or PCs. Examples include the Oculus Quest 2 and Pico Neo 3.
  3. Mobile-based VR systems: In this case, smartphones act as both screens and processing units while being inserted into compatible headsets like Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR.

B. Applications of Virtual Reality Technology

Beyond gaming – which remains one of the most popular uses for virtual reality – there are numerous other applications for this technology. Some of these include:

  • Education and training: VR can be used to create realistic simulations for teaching complex subjects or practicing skills in a safe environment, such as medical procedures, military exercises, or even learning new languages.
  • Tourism and exploration: With virtual reality, users can visit distant locations without leaving their homes by exploring 360-degree photospheres or interactive 3D environments like those available on the Google Earth platform.
  • Social interaction: Virtual spaces like VRChat allow people worldwide to meet up and interact with each other using avatars in real-time within immersive environments.

Virtual reality is an exciting technology that has come a long way since its inception. Its diverse range of applications continues to grow as developers find new ways to harness its potential for creating engaging experiences across various industries.

VR is an experience utilizing tech to craft a fabricated atmosphere. With this in mind, let’s explore the question of whether or not Apple has its own virtual reality offering.

Does Apple Have Virtual Reality?

Yes, Apple has virtual reality technology available for its users. The company offers the Apple VR headset, which is compatible with iPhones and iPads running iOS 12 or later.

This compatibility allows users to experience immersive 3D environments, play games, watch movies in 360 degrees, and even create their own virtual worlds.

In addition to the headset itself, Apple’s ecosystem includes a variety of apps that support virtual reality experiences.

Apps for virtual reality experiences, crafted for use with Apple VR headsets when connected to iPhones or iPads, can be located on the App Store.

  • Google Earth VR: This app combines satellite imagery with advanced mapping technologies to explore our planet from a new perspective. With Google Earth VR, you can fly over cities, dive into oceans, or explore remote locations all around the world without leaving your home. Find out more about Google Earth VR here.
  • Minecraft Earth: This augmented reality game brings Minecraft into real life by allowing players to build structures using digital blocks overlaid onto physical surroundings. Learn more about how it works at the official Minecraft Earth website.
  • Star Chart VR: Gaze up at a realistic night sky complete with constellations and planets as they appear in real-time based on your location through this educational astronomy app. Discover more features of Star Chart VR on its dedicated page here.
  • Skydio 2 Drone Simulator: Practice flying a drone in a virtual environment before taking it to the skies with this realistic simulator app. Check out more information about Skydio 2 and its features here.

Apple’s commitment to virtual reality is further evidenced by its acquisition of several VR-related companies, such as Vrvana, which developed an AR headset called Totem, and, a startup focused on edge-based AI tools.

In summary, Apple has indeed ventured into the realm of virtual reality through both hardware and software offerings. The company continues to invest in this technology, making it accessible for iPhone and iPad users who want to explore immersive experiences from gaming to education.

Apple offers a virtual reality solution, though it is not as extensive as other VR systems. The next heading will explore what Apple’s virtual reality can do and how users may benefit from using this technology.

What Can You Do With Apple’s Virtual Reality?

What Can You Do With Apple's Virtual Reality

Apple’s VR tech provides an array of thrilling, engaging encounters for users, ranging from gaming to teaching and more.

Here are some popular activities you can enjoy using Apple VR:


The App Store features numerous games that take advantage of the power of virtual reality on iPhones and iPads. Some popular titles include The Elder Scrolls: BladesRoller Coaster Tycoon Joyride, and Zombie Gunship Raptor.

Educational Experiences

Beyond entertainment, Apple VR also provides opportunities for learning through immersive educational apps.

For example, you can explore human anatomy with The Body VR or delve into history by visiting famous landmarks in 360-degree detail using Google Earth VR.

Movies & Videos in 360 Degrees

Using Within, you can experience movies and other video content in full 360 degrees with the aid of a virtual reality headset.

Create Your Own Virtual Worlds

If you’re feeling creative, several apps are available that enable you to build your own custom environments within the virtual reality world.

One such app is Tilt Brush by Google which lets artists paint in three dimensions using motion controllers.

Virtual Tours

Travelers can explore iconic places and museums from the convenience of their own homes with virtual tours. Apps like VR Worlds offer guided tours through iconic locations such as the Louvre Museum, Machu Picchu, and even outer space.

Fitness & Wellness

Last but not least, Apple VR also caters to fitness buffs who want to engage in workouts with a twist.

Applications like FitXR provide users with immersive workout experiences that combine elements of gaming and exercise for a fun way to stay active.

In summary, Apple’s virtual reality technology has opened up new avenues for entertainment, education, creativity, travel exploration, and wellness activities.

With an ever-growing library of apps available on the App Store catering to various interests and needs, there is no shortage of exciting possibilities when it comes to using Apple VR.

Apple’s virtual reality technology offers users a wide range of possibilities, from gaming to exploring different worlds. Let us investigate the functioning of Apple’s VR and its potential applications.

How Does Apple’s Virtual Reality Work?

Apple’s virtual reality technology is designed to provide an immersive and interactive experience for users by connecting their iPhone or iPad to a compatible VR headset.

This connection is established via Bluetooth, allowing the device’s screen content to be displayed through two lenses in the headset.

In this section, we will discuss how Apple’s virtual reality works and the various input devices that can be used for interaction.

Connecting Devices

To start utilizing Apple’s virtual reality technology, the Bluetooth connection between an iPhone or iPad running iOS 12 or later and a compatible Apple VR headset must be established by downloading a dedicated app on your device and following its instructions.

The process typically involves downloading a dedicated app on your device and following simple instructions to establish the Bluetooth connection between both gadgets.

Displaying Content

Once connected, the content from your device is displayed on its screen and then projected through two lenses within the VR headset.

The two lenses used in the VR headset generate a stereoscopic effect, giving wearers an authentic feeling of being part of three-dimensional spaces.

Motion Tracking

The motion tracking capabilities of Apple’s virtual reality system are made possible by integrating sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes into both iPhones/iPads and headsets.

These sensors detect changes in orientation, position, and velocity while you move around within your physical space, enabling seamless interactions within virtual worlds based on real-world movements.

User Interaction Methods

  • Motion Controllers: Some apps may require specific motion controllers like Apple’s ARKit-compatible controllers to interact with virtual objects or control in-game characters.
  • Gestures: Certain applications may utilize gesture-based interactions, allowing users to perform actions such as pinching, swiping, or tapping on the headset itself or using hand gestures detected by external sensors.
  • Voice Commands: Voice recognition technology can also be integrated into VR experiences, enabling users to issue commands and navigate menus through spoken words.

While Apple has not yet released a dedicated VR headset, the company has been working on developing its own mixed reality headset, which is rumored to feature a reality processor and micro OLED displays.

The headset is expected to be released in 2023 or 2023 and will likely support both VR and AR applications.

In conclusion, while Apple does not currently have a dedicated VR headset, the company has developed a range of VR applications and technologies that work with existing Apple devices.

Additionally, Apple is expected to release its own mixed reality headset in the near future, which will likely support both VR and AR applications.

By leveraging its cutting-edge virtual reality technology, Apple has enabled users to enter a fully immersive experience.

Let us consider the potential of Apple’s VR technology by examining various applications that take advantage of its features and what they can offer to users.

What Are Some Examples of Apps That Use Apple’s Virtual Reality Technology?

Apple’s virtual reality technology has paved the way for numerous immersive and interactive apps that cater to various interests, from gaming and exploration to education.

Here are some notable examples of apps that utilize Apple’s VR capabilities:

  1. Google Earth VR: This app allows users to explore the world in a whole new dimension by virtually traveling across cities, landmarks, and even outer space. With Google Earth VR, you can fly over famous sites or walk through bustling streets without leaving your home.
  2. Minecraft Earth: Combining the popular block-building game with augmented reality (AR) technology, Minecraft Earth lets players build structures in their real-world environment using their iPhone or iPad as a window into this creative sandbox.
  3. Star Chart VR: Perfect for astronomy enthusiasts, Star Chart VR is an educational app that enables users to explore our solar system and beyond in stunning detail. Users can navigate through planets, stars, constellations while learning about celestial bodies’ history and characteristics.
  4. Skydio 2 Drone Simulator: Designed for drone pilots looking to hone their skills before taking flight with an actual Skydio drone; this simulator offers realistic controls and physics, providing an authentic flying experience in a safe virtual environment.

With the increasing popularity and accessibility of VR, developers have been creating more immersive experiences for users to enjoy on their iPhones and iPads.

VR’s expanding acceptance and availability have led to a surge of developers creating engaging experiences for users to enjoy on their iPhones or iPads.

As this trend continues, we can expect even more innovative applications that push the boundaries of what is possible with Apple’s VR capabilities.

Explore the world, build in AR, and learn about the cosmos with these immersive VR apps using Apple’s technology. #VirtualReality #AppleTechClick to Tweet


Does Apple Have Virtual Reality?

Yes, Apple is actively working on developing its own virtual reality technology. While they haven’t released a dedicated VR headset yet, their ARKit platform allows developers to create augmented and mixed reality experiences for iOS devices.

What is Apple’s VR Called?

Apple’s current focus is on augmented reality (AR) rather than pure virtual reality (VR). Their platform for creating AR experiences is called ARKit. However, rumors suggest that an upcoming product named “Apple Glass” may include both AR and VR capabilities.

Are Apple Glasses VR?

Apple Glasses are rumored to be an upcoming wearable device from Apple that will primarily focus on augmented reality. However, it’s speculated that the device might also support some form of virtual reality experience. Official details about the product have not been confirmed by Apple yet.

What is Apple Reality Pro?

No official information is available about a product or service called “Apple Reality Pro.” It could be a reference to future developments in their AR/VR technologies or simply misinformation circulating online. The main platform for immersive experiences on iOS devices remains ARKit.

!! For more information about the different VR headsets on the market, check out this product specification list.

Final Thoughts

Apple does have virtual reality technology in the form of its VR headset. The headset provides an immersive experience, allowing users to engage in virtual gaming and exploration activities as well as other apps that make use of VR tech.

By leveraging a combination of sensors and high-resolution displays, Apple’s VR headset provides users with an immersive 3D environment that responds to their movements. Some examples of apps that use this technology include Beat Saber, Minecraft Earth, and Sky Guide AR.

If you’re interested in exploring the world of virtual reality with Apple’s technology, consider checking out Apple’s Virtual Reality page for more information on how to get started!

Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta


Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta and has written extensively about Virtual Reality and VR Headsets for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested VR Headsets for the last decade.

About the author

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