What Is A Virtual Reality Backpack And How Does It Work?




What Is A Virtual Reality Backpack And How Does It Work


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Virtual reality is all the rage right now, and for good reason. It allows you to experience a different world without ever leaving your home. But what if you want to take your virtual reality experience on the go? That’s where virtual reality backpacks come in. So what is a VR backpack and how does it work?

A virtual reality backpack is exactly what it sounds like – a backpack that allows you to experience virtual reality on the go. These backpacks are usually equipped with a built-in computer, batteries, and all necessary hardware to run a virtual reality headset. These backpacks allow you to wear your VR headset and explore new worlds while walking around freely. 

In this blog post, I will discuss everything you need to know about virtual reality backpacks. So read on to learn more about this exciting new technology.

What Is A Virtual Reality Backpack And How Does It Work
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

What Is a Virtual Reality Backpack?

A virtual reality backpack is a wearable device that allows the user to experience virtual reality while walking around freely. The backpack usually contains a built-in computer, batteries, and all of the necessary hardware to run a virtual reality headset.

This type of device would be perfect for someone who wants to take their virtual reality experience with them on the go. Imagine being able to explore new virtual worlds while having a walk through the woods or walking around your backyard.

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How Does a Virtual Reality Backpack Work?

VR Backpack
Photo by HP – VR Backpack set

A VR backpack works by using a combination of sensors and cameras to track your movements. The backpack is also connected to a virtual reality headset, which is what allows you to see and experience the virtual world.

The sensors and cameras track your movements and relay them to the virtual reality headset. This gives you the ability to walk around freely in the virtual world. You can also interact with objects in the virtual world just as you would in real life.

A VR backpack usually consists of a backpack, a computer, and batteries. You will also need to buy a VR headset and controllers to use the backpack.

Why Using a Virtual Reality Backpack?

There are two kinds of virtual reality headsets: standalone and tethered.

The type determines whether the headset must be connected to a PC (“Tethered”) to process the VR environments or whether it is “Standalone,” which does not require any connection to other devices because it has its own integrated computer.

If you own a tethered headset like the HTC Vive Pro, but you want to experience Virtual Reality outside or in large rooms, you must be able to move freely.

In this case, using a VR Backpack rather than a long connection cable to a desktop computer will be far more convenient.

If you want to look at the specifications of all the different consumer VR headsets, check out this page!

What Are the Benefits Of a Virtual Reality Backpack?

There are many benefits of a virtual reality backpack. They include:

You can use VR freely

With a VR backpack, you no longer have to be tethered to a computer or wall. You can walk around freely and explore the virtual world without any restrictions.

Portable VR experience

VR backpacks are portable, so you can take them with you wherever you go. This means that you can have a virtual reality experience anywhere, anytime.

Increased immersion

Virtual reality backpacks increase immersion by allowing you to move around freely in the virtual world. This gives you a more realistic and lifelike experience.

It is easy to use

A VR backpack is easy to use. All you need to do is put it on and start exploring the virtual world.

What Are the Disadvantages Of a Virtual Reality Backpack?

There are some disadvantages of VR backpacks, including:

They can be expensive

VR backpacks can be quite expensive, with some models costing over $1000. This can be a turn-off for some people.

They can be bulky and uncomfortable

VR backpacks can be quite bulky and heavy, which can make them uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time.

However, it is important to note that manufacturers are trying to make VR backpacks more comfortable to wear.

I recently used HP’s Omen VR backpack and I can attest to the fact that it’s much more comfortable to wear than other VR backpacks I’ve tried.

They require a lot of power

VR backpacks require a lot of power to run, which can drain the battery quickly. This means that you may need to carry around extra batteries with you if you plan on using your VR backpack for extended periods of time.

On average, a VR backpack battery runs for about an hour to an hour and a half.

If you frequently run out of power, you should consider purchasing extra batteries to replace them when they run out of power during a session.

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Are Virtual Reality Backpacks Worth It?

A VR backpack is worth it if you are looking for a more immersive VR experience. I also think that VR backpacks have a lot of potentials and will only become more popular as the technology improves.

Generally, VR backpacks will take VR to a whole new level. The fact that you will no longer be restricted by wires is a game-changer.

You can now move around more freely and explore virtual worlds in a more natural way without using a dedicated standalone headset.

Additionally, the increased immersion will provide you with a more lifelike experience.

READ MORE! Is Virtual Reality Worth It In 2022? (Solved!)


Is it easy to use a VR backpack?

Yes, a VR backpack is easy to use. All you need to do is put it on and start exploring the virtual world. Of course, there will be accessories such as a special vest that you will need to wear in order to use the backpack.

Can I take a VR backpack with me anywhere?

Yes, VR backpacks are portable so you can take them with you wherever you go. This means that you can have a virtual reality experience anywhere, anytime.

Do VR backpacks require a lot of power?

Yes, VR backpacks require a lot of power to run. However, the good news is that most have an extra battery pack that you can use to extend your VR experience.

How long do VR backpack batteries last?

On average, a VR backpack battery will last for about an hour to an hour and a half. However, this will vary depending on how you are using the backpack.

How do I use a virtual reality backpack?

In order to use a VR backpack, you will need to connect it to your VR headset. Put it on your back, turn it on, and then put on your VR headset. You will then be able to enter the virtual world. There is always a user manual that comes with the backpack.

Final Thoughts

A virtual reality backpack is a great way to experience VR. They are easy to use, portable, and provide an increased level of immersion. If ever you try one, I am sure you will enjoy the experience.

I hope this post has been helpful in answering any questions you may have had about VR backpacks.

Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta


Espen is the Director of PursuitMeta and has written extensively about Virtual Reality and VR Headsets for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested VR Headsets for the last decade.

About the author

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